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Welcome to the ASPIRE project development site

A resource hub for ASPIRE – the innovative scramjet-like hypersonic spaceplane engine


We aim is to usher in a new age. For humans to finally become a true spacefaring species. ASPIRE is our technology designed to achieve this aim –an airbreathing engine which can propel an aircraft into space.

" airbreathing engine which can propel an aircraft into space."

It is our belief that we will never become a truly spacefaring species using only conventional rocketry. Rockets are expensive, dangerous and heavy – and that’s only a few of the issues which plague them.

Wedge engine CAD drawing

What we really need is a reusable spaceplane, which can take off and land on a conventional runway. So, like any other aircraft, you can board wherever is convenient – but this plane will fly to the most exotic destination of all - space.

"What we really need is a reusable spaceplane."

A key component of such a spaceplane is an airbreathing engine – one capable of taking the aircraft into (or very close to) space.

"The ideal candidate for such an engine is the SCRAMJET – however, no one has ever made one work satisfactorily."

The ideal candidate for such an engine is the SCRAMJET (Supersonic Ramjet) – however, no one has ever made one work satisfactorily. The main reason for this is because the fuel and air don’t mix properly within the engine.

"... an innovative and radical new design which aims to overcome the problem of fuel-air mixing and produce a working spaceplane engine.."

This is where ASPIRE comes in. ASPIRE stands for “Air-Breathing Supersonic Pellet Injection Rotary Engine”. It is an innovative and radical new design which aims to overcome the problem of fuel-air mixing and produce a working spaceplane engine. The basics of operation and previous development of our engine can be followed in this video playlist.

Contribute to ASPIRE

Do you believe in space travel and have you a good grasp of science, engineering and mathematics? If so, we would like to invite you to contribute to the development of ASPIRE. You can do this by contributing theory, simulations or experimental data to our knowledge base.

If you would like to contribute, please get in contact using the "Get in Touch" form located at the bottom of this page.

Want to usher humankind into space – to start a new age and change our destiny forever?

Links to Resources

Background Information

Detailed information on ASPIRE