Scramjet Course

This is a simple technical introduction to Scramjets – it assumes that you have done undergraduate fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. If you haven’t, then start by reading the fluid mechanics course page first.

The course refers back to notes on Isentropic and Supersonic Flow within the fluid mechanics course. You should read the course along side (or as a prelude to) a more comprehensive text on scramjets. I would recommend “Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion” by Heiser – which is listed on our references page.

Wedge engine CAD drawing


The following PDF contains the Scramjet course, a further PDF is provided containing notes on how to do complex shockwave calculations. Video materials to support this course are available in the next section (below).

Please click on the links below to open a PDF file which is viewable in most browsers, or alternatively can be downloaded.

Supporting Videos

The following videos support the Scramjet course notes

Supporting Course Videos

Recommended Videos

Also on-line is the University of Queensland Scramjet course, which is highly recommended: